2025 – 2026 APPLICATION
Cultural Connection is accepting applications for India Night Charity 2025 – 2026.
The following guidelines should assist you with completing your application for India Night 2025 or 2026. If you have questions, please contact the Chair.
General Guidelines:
- Only grassroots registered charities in existence for over 5 years with the capacity of issuing tax receipts should apply.
- The charitable organization must be based out of Regina, Saskatchewan and the program/project for which the fundraising is being planned must directly benefit a community or communities in Regina.
- Applications for fundraising requests must highlight the program/project for which the fundraising is planned and the anticipated outcomes/ benefits with timelines for the conclusion of the fundraising project.
- The applicant should identify in their application a potential title sponsor that will provide $20,000 in support of the event.
- This signature gala is a Cultural Connections event with strict guidelines for the charity to follow to ensure the same success as previous years. The charity must work in collaboration with the Cultural Connections Regina team to execute a successful fundraising event and be willing to follow the leadership/direction of the Cultural Connections Regina Chair and Board members. This would include the following:
- Assigning a dedicated representative for regular reporting and consultation during the entire development/planning of the event, and who is available at all times throughout the event to assist the Chair with any problems/issues that may arise, Participating in planning meetings for the 2025 event – (if selected for 2026, must attend planning meetings for both years),Selling a minimum of 25 tables (200 tickets) for the event, Setting up and selling tickets online, Generating sponsorships and gifts in kind from its network, Seeking and securing a $20,000 title sponsor and other major sponsorships, Creating and providing a testimonial to be presented at the event (speaker or video),Co-ordinating a professional photographer to capture the evening and provide the photos on a USB drive to CCR, Assisting with the receipt and collection of donated auction and raffle prizes, and creating spreadsheets to itemize all items received including the donor’s contact information, Assisting with writing the descriptions of live auction packages for printing in the program, Preparing silent auction bid sheets, setting up and managing an on-site silent auction, Collecting and processing and all payments from auctions and raffles at the event with the ability to accept electronic payments, Obtaining all necessary raffle licenses and sell raffle tickets, Providing dedicated staff/volunteers to assist with the venue set-up on the day or the event (or day prior if possible) and tear/down immediately following the event, Issuing all charitable tax receipts and sending out thank you letters, Assisting in organizing a small media/donor event after the event for the final cheque presentation, and
- Submitting a follow-up report within one year of the event respecting the proceeds received that explains how the funds were spent and the community impact of the support.
- A charity previously supported is only eligible to apply once every three years. The recipient charity will be selected by vote of the Cultural Connections Regina Board.
- The successful charity will be notified of the success of their application by the Board Chair on or before January 31, 2025.
- By submitting an application, the charity agrees to further enter into a written memorandum of understanding with Cultural Connections Regina for the delivery of India Night if selected as the recipient charity.
- ALL APPLICATIONS FOR 2025 MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
- Applications must include 2 support letters and be submitted in print, in duplicate (two copies) to:
Renu Kapoor, Chair
Cultural Connections Regina
PO Box 21076 Gardiner Park
Regina SK S4V 0Y0
e-mail: rkapoor@sasktel.net
Phone: 306-581-5702

Our partner charity for 2022 is Creative KIds.
Creative Kids is a program grounded in the belief that access to artistic and cultural activities has a transformative impact on the lives of children and youth. Whether it is music lessons, dance training, visual art instruction, language classes or theatre camp, research shows that participation in creative activities from an early age can have a deep and profound effect that lasts a lifetime.
The first of its kind in Canada, Creative Kids is a registered charity designed to reduce or remove financial and social barriers that prevent children ages 4 to 19 from engaging in artistic and cultural activities. Kids without the financial means to learn to play a music instrument, join a dance club, experience the joys of theatre or reconnect with their cultural heritage can apply to Creative Kids for funding that will help them gain these experiences. Families can receive up to $750 per child/per year from Creative Kids to help offset the costs associated with participation in these activities.
We believe:
· creative activities are fundamental to the positive growth and development of children and youth;
· cultural programming is critical to a healthy vibrant community; and
· all children and youth should have the opportunity to participate in creative activities regardless of economic barriers they may face.
The Need:
Saskatchewan has one of the highest provincial child poverty rates in Canada. As of 2019 — the most recent numbers available — more than 73,500 children have limited access to essential daily needs and opportunities for positive growth and self-esteem. Many of these families also have challenges, such as job loss or disabilities that make involvement in creative activities out of reach. Besides basic needs to be warm, fed and clothed, we believe it’s important to feed the spirit. For a child or youth facing financial or social barriers to feel accepted and included, the longed-for chance to make music, paint, act, or dance can be life changing.
Creative Kids was launched in February of 2010 and since then has provided over $914,000 of funding to more than 2,100 children and youth ages 4-19 in the Regina community and provincially, Creative Kids has funded over 11,600 kids with over $5.4 million. Creative Kids is an exciting and vital program that offers meaningful opportunities to Regina children and youth, from disadvantaged families, to participate in artistic and cultural activities. Creative expression and participation in programs that foster self-esteem, increase learning potential, inspire imagination and encourage dedication should be accessible to all children and youth living in Regina. SaskCulture Inc. covers 100% of the administrative and operating costs for Creative Kids so that 100% of all donations and sponsorships go directly to the kids, and all money raised in Regina, stays in Regina!
For more information please visit Creative Kids website /https://creativekidssask.ca/